Comparison of Indian States: Selected Indicators

Chart options:


  1. Axis labels are equally spaced. In some cases, rounding of numbers may result into labels that appear wrong.
  2. The 2-letter state codes for comparison are: ai, an, ap, ar, as, br, ch, ct, dd, dl, dn, ga, gj, hp, hr, jh, jk, ka, kl, ld, mh, ml, mn, mp, mz, nl, or, pb, py, rj, sk, tg, tn, tr, up, ut, wb.
  3. Census population data of 2001 and 2011 was used to calculate the average annual growth rate for each state/UT. Assuming this "average" as "uniform" growth rate over 2001-19, population of each state was calculated in a given year.


Total Fertility Rate (TFR)
The average number of children that would be born to a woman over her lifetime.
Crude Birth Rate (CBR)
The total number of live births per 1000 population, in a year.
Crude Death Rate (CDR)
The total number of deaths per 1000 population, in a year.
Infant Mortality Rate (IMR)
Number of deaths of children under one year of age per 1000 live births.
Murder Rate
Number of murders per million population.
Rape Rate
Number of rapes per million population.

International Comparisons:

CountryIMR6CBR6CDR6TFR6Murder rate8Rape rate8
Germany3.48.611.71.45 894
United States5.812.58.21.8742274

Data Source:

  1. CBR, CDR, TFR for 1971-2015: Niti Aayog
  2. IMR for 1971-2012:
  3. IMR for 2013: Indian Budget 2014-15
  4. IMR for 2014: SRS Report
  5. IMR for 2015: SRS Bulletin, 50(2); Dec 2016 ; ISSN 0971-3549. Reported IMR for 2015 are based on three-years period 2013-15 for smaller States and Union Territories.
  6. International crime data, 2009/2010: NationMaster
  7. 2016 - TFR - SRS Statistical Report 2016
  8. IMR, CBR, CDR, TFR International Comparisons for 2017 (est.): CIA World factbook
  9. 2016 - CBR, CDR, IMR: SRS Bulletin, 51(1), Sep 2017. Reported IMR for 2016 are based on three-years period 2014-16 for smaller States and Union Territories.
  10. Indian crime data: Murder data at, Rape data at, NCRB annual reports
  11. 2017 and 2018 - CBR, CDR, IMR: SRS Bulletins
  12. 2017 and 2018 - TFR: SRS Reports
  13. 2017 and 2018 - Crime related data from Crime in India Reports Tables 2A.1 and 2.2

Last updated: 2020-07-03