W3C Resources
- HTML 4.01 Specifications
- HTML 5.0 Specifications
- CSS 2.0 Specifications
- XML 1.0 Specifications
- Quality Tips
- Tutorials and Courses
- Markup Validator
- XHTML Strict
Learning Web technologies
- HTML developer guide at Mozilla MDN
- Google Code University
- W3Schools.com
- Color Names
- Forms Styling
- XML Validator
- HTML5 for Web Designers
- HTML5 tutorials
- HTML Quick
- Safari Web Content Guide
- Safari Dev Center
Data Visualization
- Google Chart Tools
- Data visualization widgets
- JavaScript Plotting using jQuery
- Data Wrangler
- Tableau Public
- Translating ASCII Math Notation to MathML and Graphics
- Table Sorter
- CSV to HTML code
- Expandable List
Public data sources
- Google Public Data
- World Bank
- US Government Statistical Websites
- UN Statistical Database
- FAO Database
- California Agricultural Production Statistics